Meditation helps reduce our stress levels, we connect better, and we are nicer to ourselves. While meditation isn’t a panacea, it may surely give some much-needed space in your life. That is all we need to make better decisions for ourselves and our families. To practice meditation, we need a little patience and some self-kindness. Meditation allows us to become finer and finer. Meditation is a life-long journey, and every journey begins with a first step.

Let go and breathe in the real you

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3y ago
Perfecting Your Posture in Meditation

And how to vastly improve the quality and length of your meditation…

4y ago
Side Effects of Meditation

Here are twelve unmistakable side effects of meditation.

5y ago
The Hammer and the Key

Here is how to tame the mind or to experience a flow of quietude on demand

7y ago
Excess Baggage

To make spiritual progress, we must get out of our own way or the boulder of emotions will keep rolling back.

7y ago
The Tearing Thought

What to do when the wild elephant of thoughts tears into your garden of peace and quiet?

8y ago
Million Thoughts – A Book For Meditation

Expert advice by a Himalayan Monk who practiced meditation for 10000 plus hours

10y ago
Nine States of Awareness

In this post I elucidate the nine states of awareness as propounded by Patanjali and other great yogis like Vyasa.

10y ago
What Type of Meditator are You?

The rewards of meditation are directly proportional to the intensity and quality of your practice. Here's something to think about.

11y ago
The Anatomy of a Thought

Thoughts are like waves, they may be inviting but they remain transient and volatile. Meditate for insight.

11y ago
Nine Stages of Attaining Bliss

From a turbulent and restless mind to the calm-abiding mind, there are nine stages in Mahamudra meditation.

11y ago
Six Principles of Meditation

Tilopa gave six short and profound instructions on meditation to his chief disciple. Every meditator should know them.

12y ago
The Fear of Death

Water evaporates and it rains back, Nature's play continues. Everything in nature is eternal. It only gets transformed.

13y ago
Thoughts: The Third Hurdle in Meditation

Tidal waves of stray thoughts can rock your boat of a quiet mind disrupting your meditation.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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